HKOWT news

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HKOWT (Hong Kong One World Trade) creates an innovative corporate

HKOWT (Hong Kong One World Trade) creates an innovative corporate relations platform dedicated to business ethics and the promotion of global ethical standards. It aims to facilitate trade and promote cooperation between Switzerland, England, Hong Kong and China in terms of responsible business practices.

This platform will provide a space for discussion, sharing of best practices and collaboration between companies in the four regions. It will allow companies to share their experiences, learn from each other and collaborate to promote business ethics in their respective operations.

The HKOWT platform will also offer resources and tools to help companies implement ethical business practices. These resources include business ethics guidelines, case studies, training and expert advice. Companies will also be able to find information on the regulations and ethical standards applicable in each region.

By collaborating through the HKOWT platform, companies will be able to enhance their reputation and credibility in the global market. They will also be able to access new business opportunities and establish solid partnerships with companies that share the same values.

Finally, HKOWT will organize events and conferences to bring together those involved in business ethics and promote exchanges between companies and experts in the field. These events will provide a valuable networking platform for companies interested in business ethics.

In summary, the HKOWT platform will play a key role in promoting business ethics and creating responsible global business relations between the USA, Switzerland, England, Hong Kong and China. It will offer a space for collaboration and knowledge sharing for companies in these regions, while providing them with resources and practical tools to develop ethical and sustainable practices.
The platform will be ready at the end of 2023 if you wish you can already contact us on the HKOWT site of your country or economic regions and for information you can go to the site

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